Depositions: A Crucial Part of Litigation

One of the most important legal tools attorneys can use during the discovery process is the deposition. To understand what a deposition is, and why it is so important, we must first discuss the discovery process. During “discovery,” an attorney attempts to collect any and all relevant evidence from the opposing side. This is done […]
Just Because an Insurance Company Says Your Case Isn’t Worth Much, Doesn’t Mean its True

Just because a defendant or an insurance company says that your case isn’t worth much does not mean that it’s true. Here at Matsikoudis & Fanciullo, we trust our clients, not our adversaries. If we think you have a good case, we will turn over every stone to try to prove it. We recently concluded […]
Suing Successfully For a Horse Related Accident

It’s a rough road to ride through the terrain of the Equine Liability Act as a lawyer representing a client injured while engaged in equine activities on a horse farm. Matsikoudis & Fanciullo recently guided a seriously injured client past the various obstacles the Equine Liability Act poses to a plaintiff and delivered an arbitration […]
#metoo is Still Center Stage at Matsikoudis Fanciullo

The #metoo movement was all the rage and society’s focus for a period of time, but other controversies and crises have rotated to take center stage over the past several months. But, at Matsikoudis & Fanciullo, our dedication to fight for justice for victims of sexual harassment in the workplace was strong before “me too” […]
Seven Year Anniversary

Seven years ago, on October 1, 2013, we founded Matsikoudis & Fanciullo, and since then, we have helped scores of clients achieve justice. Whether it’s a woman sexually harassed in the workplace, a citizen seriously injured by corporate indifference, a non-profit childcare facility threatened by environmental pollution, or a business wronged by a competitor that […]
Rent Control

New Jersey and New York are among the handful of states which allow cities and counties to establish rent control and rent stabilization laws. These regulations cap annual rent increases and help prevent runaway costs. Because these laws are set at the local level, it is difficult to summarize what buildings they apply to and […]
Helping People from Journalism to Law

I will never forget Eric Stoudemire, Junior. I will never forget the night we met. I will never forget his story. In a way, he inspired me to become a lawyer. I did not know it as I covered it, but Eric’s story started on a chilly late-winter morning about a month before he and […]
Nursing Homes and the Coronavirus

Alarmingly, more than 40% of the more than 10,000 people who have died of the Coronavirus in New Jersey were nursing home residents or staff. Clearly, the Coronavirus has created an unprecedented challenge for nursing homes. But, could the response have been better? For the families who lost loved ones to the Coronavirus, it’s an […]

You don’t need to work in the White House to be a whistleblower. Many states have their own statutes that protect workers from retaliation if they report wrongdoing or lawbreaking. For example, the New Jersey Conscientious Employee Protection Act (“CEPA”: N.J.S.A. §34:19-1 et seq.) prohibits an employer from taking “any retaliatory action against an employee” […]
Pregnancy Discrimination

Working mothers and soon-to-be-mothers often face challenges in the workplace beyond balancing their many responsibilities. If you are pregnant or a mother, you no doubt see yourself as a mother first and foremost, before an employee. However, your employer is required by law to treat you with the same respect as everyone else. At a […]